Masters of the Universe DRAGSTOR Evil Horde 1986 near complete w bow vintage
Masters of the Universe ENERGY ZOIDS 1987 vintage he-man mini comic
Masters of the Universe ENTER BUZZ-SAW HORDAK 1987 he-man mini comic
Masters of the Universe ESCAPE from the SLIME PIT mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe ETERNIA ultimate battleground vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe EVIL LYN STAFF 1982 he-man part
Masters of the Universe EVIL LYN vintage 1982 complete lynn he-man 427
Masters of the Universe EXTENDAR 1985 vintage COMPLETE comic book he-man 206
Masters of the Universe EXTENDAR 1986 Shield weapon he-man parts
Masters of the Universe EYE of the STORM vintage mini comic He-man 000
Masters of the Universe FAKER HE-MAN 1982 w chest armor
Masters of the Universe FAKER HE-MAN chest armor fakor parts
Masters of the Universe FAKER HE-MAN commemorative 2002 1983
Masters of the Universe FISTO 1984 COMPLETE comic he-man
Masters of the Universe FISTO chest armor 1984 Battle fist he-man
Masters of the Universe FISTO FIST 1984 vintage weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe FISTO SWORD 1983 he-man part
Masters of the Universe FLYING FISTS he-man mace 1986 1987 parts
Masters of the Universe FLYING FISTS of POWER mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe GLIMMER 1984 She-Ra pop 1985