Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe SLAVE CITY 1983 vintage comic He-man
Masters of the Universe SNAKE MOUNTAIN Door 1984 he-man part
Masters of the Universe ZOAR SCREECH FULL armor he-man part
Masters of the Universe STINKOR SHIELD 1983 he-man part
Masters of the Universe EVIL LYN STAFF 1982 he-man part
Masters of the Universe FISTO SWORD 1983 he-man part
Masters of the Universe TRI-KLOPS SWORD 1982 he-man part
Masters of the Universe MAN E FACES 1983 vintage COMPLETE
masters of the universe ATTACK SQUID skeletor's 2002 he-man
Masters of the Universe BEAST MAN 2015 comic con ReAction MOC
Masters of the Universe MER-MAN 2015 comic con ReAction MOC
Masters of the Universe PANTHOR SKELETOR he-man mib moc
Masters of the Universe STRIDER 1983 Battle Horse 1984 he-man
Masters of the Universe KING HISS 1985 Complete weapon set part
Masters of the Universe MEKANECK 1983 Complete he-man
Masters of the Universe BUZZ-OFF 1983 he-man wasp bee 2
Masters of the Universe FAKER HE-MAN 1982 w chest armor
Masters of the Universe GRIZZLOR 1984 Complete 1985 he-man
Masters of the Universe JOURNEY to MIZAR She-ra he-man
Masters of the Universe STILT STALKER full gun 1984 walker parts