Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe EYE of the STORM vintage mini comic He-man 000
Masters of the Universe BATTLE in the CLOUDS vintage mini comic Teela mer man
Masters of the Universe LEECH Master of power suction evil horde mini comic
Masters of the Universe SNAKE ATTACK mini comic vintage he-man 1985
Masters of the Universe WARRIOR MACHINE mini comic vintage he-man 1985
Masters of the Universe OBELISK mini comic vintage he-man 1984 motu
Masters of the Universe TEMPLE of DARKNESS mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe POWER of POINT DREAD mini comic vintage he-man MOTU
Masters of the Universe The STENCH of EVIL mini comic vintage he-man MOTU
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR's DRAGON blaster mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe MASKS of POWER mini comic vintage he-man fisto 1983
Masters of the Universe the SEARCH for KELDOR mini comic vintage 1985
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN and the INSECT PEOPLE mini comic vintage 1983