Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN Motuscle muscle motu grape
Masters of the Universe TRI KLOPS TRIKLOPS grape Motuscle muscle he-man
Masters of the Universe MAN-E-FACES Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe SORCERESS Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe TEELA Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe BEAST MAN beastman Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN I have the power Motuscle muscle motu grape
Masters of the Universe STINKOR Motuscle muscle he-man motu grape
Masters of the Universe KOBRA KHAN cobra Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe RAM MAN RAMMAN Motuscle muscle he-man LB
Masters of the Universe STRATOS Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe TRAP JAW trapjaw Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe ORKO Motuscle muscle he-man grape purple
Masters of the Universe MAN AT ARMS Motuscle muscle he-man grape
Masters of the Universe WHIPLASH Motuscle muscle he-man grape purple
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR Motuscle muscle he-man SDCC 2015 purple moc
Masters of the Universe TEELA Motuscle muscle he-man black color
Masters of the Universe FISTO Battle fist Motuscle muscle he-man green
Masters of the Universe SHADOW WEAVER Motuscle muscle evil horde LB
Masters of the Universe MANTENNA Motuscle muscle evil horde