Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe HORDE TROOPER 1986 vintage STAFF red he-man motu
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR original 1982 vintage RAM SKULL STAFF
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN original 1982 vintage CHEST BODY
Masters of the Universe FAKER HE-MAN chest armor fakor parts
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR chest shoulder body armor vintage he-man parts
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST chest guns vintage 1986 he-man parts
Masters of the Universe TRAP JAW trapjaw GREEN BELT vintage 1982
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR TERRORCLAWS left hand claw glove vintage
Masters of the Universe CLAWFUL CLUB 1983 crab motu he-man part
Masters of the Universe SPIKOR vintage club complete accessory set motu he-man
Masters of the Universe ZODAK BLACK full chest armor wonderbread he-man
Masters of the Universe ZODAK full body chest armor vintage zodac he-man
Masters of the Universe FISTO chest armor 1984 Battle fist he-man
Masters of the Universe STINKOR full body chest armor vintage 1984 skunk he-man
Masters of the Universe KING HISS left arm vintage 1986 motu he-man parts
Masters of the Universe KING HISS right arm vintage 1986 motu he-man parts
Masters of the Universe DRAGSTOR CROSSBOW The Horde grey he-man 1985
Masters of the Universe HORDAK CROSSBOW The Horde white he-man 1985
Masters of the Universe WEBSTOR blaster accessory 1984 vintage he-man parts
Masters of the Universe MAN E FACES blaster accessory 1983 vintage he-man parts