Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe ROCK PEOPLE to the RESCUE 1985 vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe GRIZZLOR legend comes Alive vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe DRAGON'S GIFT 1983 vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe TERROR of TRI KLOPS 1982 vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe DOUBLE EDGED SWORD 1984 vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe SPIKOR STRIKES 1984 vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe ORDEAL of MAN-E-FACES vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe TY-GRRR meteorbs egg rock meteor he-man tiger
Masters of the Universe THUNDER PUNCH HE-MAN SHIELD vintage 1985 1986 parts
Masters of the Universe KING HISS snake men STAFF vintage 1985 1986 parts
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1984 AXE HAND attachment parts
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1985 CLAW HAND attachment parts
Masters of the Universe HORDAK ruthless leader's revenge vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe TREACHERY of MODULOK vintage mini comic He-man HORDE
Masters of the Universe BATTLE of ROBOTO vintage mini comic He-man
Masters of the Universe Most Unpleasant Present She-ra he-man
Masters of the Universe LEGEND BEGINS powers of grayskull mini comic vintage he-man 00
Masters of the Universe REVENGE of the SNAKE MEN mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe TERROR CLAWS STRIKES skeletor mini comic vintage he-man
Masters of the Universe ESCAPE from the SLIME PIT mini comic vintage he-man