Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe FLYING FISTS he-man mace 1986 1987 parts
Masters of the Universe JET SLED 1985 Complete motu he-man
Masters of the Universe MULTI BOT 1986 both heads he-man
Masters of the Universe MULTI BOT 1986 complete Gun parts
Masters of the Universe SY-KLONE Weapon SET 1985 weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe GRIZZLOR 1984 Complete 1985 he-man
Masters of the Universe WHIPLASH 1983 Complete motu he-man
Masters of the Universe KOBRA KHAN 1983 he-man snake men
Masters of the Universe BLADE 1986 he-man movie 1987 moc
Masters of the Universe PRINCE ADAM's VEST he-man weapon part
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR original 1982 lower armor skirt
Masters of the Universe Dragon Blaster SKELETOR ARMOR he-man
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN AXE 1982 COO usa vintage parts
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST Hand guns he-man part
Masters of the Universe ROAD RIPPER 1984 100% complete he-man
Egg Animal Changers 1986 METEORBS Original he-man moc 002
Egg Animal Changers 1986 METEORBS Original he-man moc 001
Masters of the Universe MOSS MAN 1984 1985 vintage he-man 00
Masters of the Universe HE-MAN and the Power Sword 1981 comic
Masters of the Universe ENTER BUZZ-SAW HORDAK 1987 he-man mini comic