Click on any of the following images to view Only those figure lines:
Masters of the Universe MANTENNA Motuscle muscle evil horde slime
Masters of the Universe HORDE TROOPER Motuscle muscle evil horde slime
Masters of the Universe GLIMMER Motuscle muscle she-ra slime green
Masters of the Universe FROSTA Motuscle muscle she-ra slime green
Masters of the Universe CATRA Motuscle muscle she-ra slime green
Masters of the Universe CASTASPELLA Motuscle muscle she-ra slime
Masters of the Universe LEECH Motuscle muscle evil horde slime green
Masters of the Universe ANGELLA Motuscle muscle she-ra princess of power slime
Masters of the Universe GRIZZLOR Motuscle muscle evil horde slime
Masters of the Universe HORDAK Motuscle muscle evil horde SLIME
Masters of the Universe SHADOW WEAVER Motuscle muscle evil horde slime
Masters of the Universe SHADOW WEAVER Motuscle muscle evil horde LB
Masters of the Universe MANTENNA Motuscle muscle evil horde
Masters of the Universe HORDE TROOPER Motuscle muscle evil light blue
Masters of the Universe HORDE TROOPER Motuscle muscle evil horde mattel RED
Golden Girl Adventure Fashion Evening Enchantment #35 dragon queen she-ra masters of the universe moc
Golden Girl Adventure Fashion Evening Enchantment #34 ONYX she-ra masters of the universe moc
Golden Girl Adventure Fashion Festival spirit #25 ONYX she-ra masters of the universe moc
Golden Girl Adventure Fashion Festival spirit #24 JADE she-ra masters of the universe moc
Golden Girl Adventure Fashion Festival spirit #23 ruby she-ra masters of the universe moc