Click on any of the following images to view only those specific x-men series - you can also click on the tags to the left to view x-men characters in other marvel lines. Or just start browsing below
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STORM robot fighters 1997 marvel universe moc
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STORM robot fighters full hair 1997 marvel universe
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STORM SAVAGE LAND 1996 toybiz marvel
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STORM team suit marvel universe strike force team
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STRONG GUY GUIDO 1994 marvel universe
X-MEN X-Force toy biz STRYFE 1992 cable strife marvel
X-MEN X-Force toy biz SUNFIRE 1995 complete marvel universe action figures 1996
X-MEN X-Force Toy Biz SUNFIRE 1st appearance giant size 1 1998
X-MEN X-Force toy biz SUNSPOT 1993 1994 marvel universe
X-MEN X-Force toy biz T-REX crawler Savage Land wolverine marvel
X-MEN X-Force toy biz TALOS marvel universe stryfe cable strike force team
X-MEN X-Force toy biz THUNDERBIRD 1992 1993 1991 marvel
X-MEN X-Force Toy Biz THUNDERBIRD 1st appearance giant size 1 1998
X-MEN X-Force toy biz TREVOR FITZROY 1994 gold KB marvel universe
X-MEN X-Force toy biz TUSK 1994 marvel universe complete
X-MEN X-Force toy biz WARLOCK New Mutants 1998 marvel universe
X-MEN X-Force toy biz WARPATH 1994 2nd edition II 2 marvel
X-MEN X-Force toy biz WARSTAR Phoenix saga marvel universe
X-men X-force Toy Biz WEAPON X WOLVERINE deluxe 10 INCH marvel universe moc mib
X-MEN X-Force toy biz WHITE QUEEN emma frost Generation action figures