Masters of the Universe ORKO 1983 Complete he-man 1982 (Copy)
Masters of the Universe ORKO 1983 he-man 1982
Masters of the Universe PRINCE ADAM's VEST he-man weapon part
Masters of the Universe RAM MAN Vintage AXE weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe RATTLOR snake men STAFF vintage 1985 1986 parts
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST backpack guns he-man part
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST chest guns vintage 1986 he-man parts
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST Hand guns he-man part
Masters of the Universe RIO BLAST knee pads 1 weapon part right left
Masters of the Universe ROAD RIPPER 1984 100% complete he-man
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1984 AXE HAND attachment parts
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1984 GUN HAND attachment part
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1985 CLAW HAND attachment parts
Masters of the Universe ROBOTO vintage 1985 complete hand set axe claw
Masters of the Universe SCREECH 1983 1984 he-man bird
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR 1982 complete armor set he-man parts
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR battle commemorative 2002 1983
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR chest shoulder body armor vintage he-man parts
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR dragon blaster part he-man
Masters of the Universe SKELETOR original 1982 HALF BOOT