Masters of the Universe SY-KLONE Weapon SET 1985 weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe TEELA 1981 armor vintage weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe TEELA 1981 SHIELD vintage weapon part he-man
Masters of the Universe TEELA 1981 snake staff weapon vintage zodac he-man
Masters of the Universe TEELA commemorative 2002 1982
Masters of the Universe THUNDER PUNCH HE-MAN SHIELD vintage 1985 1986 parts
Masters of the Universe TRAP JAW glow in the dark RING part he-man
Masters of the Universe TRAP JAW trapjaw GREEN BELT vintage 1982
Masters of the Universe TUNG LASHOR snake men STAFF vintage 1985 1986 parts
Masters of the Universe TWO BAD shield 1984 he-man part
Masters of the Universe WEBSTOR blaster accessory 1984 vintage he-man parts
Masters of the Universe WEBSTOR front Armor 1984 he-man parts
Masters of the Universe ZOAR SCREECH FULL armor he-man part
Masters of the Universe ZOAR SCREECH head armor he-man parts
Masters of the Universe ZOAR Screech instructions 1983 he-man
Masters of the Universe ZOAR SCREECH PERCH 1983 base he-man parts
Masters of the Universe ZODAC commemorative reissue 2002 1982
Masters of the Universe ZODAK BLACK armor Gun wonderbread he-man
Masters of the Universe ZODAK BLACK full chest armor wonderbread he-man
Masters of the Universe ZODAK full body chest armor vintage zodac he-man